
october 16, 2009  new link:
vegan children photo gallery

new press releases:
  • hens liberated from aviary and battery system
  • eight hens rescued from egg production factory
    april 6, 2008  new link:
    we are weaned: milk abolition campaign
    august 8, 2007  new press releases:
  • hens rescued from free range imprisonment
  • hens rescued from battery and barn system

  • more photos
    from these animal liberations
    december 5, 2006  more photos
    from these animal liberations
    december 22, 2005  new al guestbook
    september 11, 2005  new press release:
  • hens rescued from "battery farm"

  • more photos
    from this animal liberation
    august 2, 2005  new press release:
  • hens rescued from rearing facility

  • more photos
    from this animal liberation
    december 1, 2004  several new press releases:
  • twelve ducks rescued
  • four ducklings rescued from fattening facility
  • 15 chickens rescued from battery farm and barn laid facility
    october 28, 2004  several new press releases:
  • hen liberated from aviary
  • hen liberated from manure pit
  • 40 chickens liberated from battery farm and raising station

  • more photos
    from three other (duck and chicken) animal liberations conducted by maqi
    september 3, 2004  more photos
    from two other animal liberations conducted by maqi
    december 24, 2003  animal liberation story added
    november 26, 2003  more photos
    from another animal liberation conducted by maqi
    october 25, 2003  dictionary links added
    september 21, 2003  press releases added:
  • lawsuit against animal liberation
  • open rescue of 30 baby hens

    september 20, 2003  more photos
    readme section
    list of maqi animal liberations added in "links" section
    september 19, 2003 launched
    animal liberation photos
    some links
    contact us
